A little bit of information about myself, I believe, is important. I am Allan Mackinnon, I live in Belfast but originate from an island off the North West coast of Scotland. I have been fascinated with family history for over 25 years and have been working on my own roots in Scotland and my wife’s roots, here in Northern Ireland. I have always loved listening to my elders talk about their memories of family and I truly believe that the elderly should be able to avail themselves of free family history research. I currently work on this project each evening and over the weekend’s. Should the workload increase beyond what I currently provide, then I will look into options to make this project my full time occupation.
Family history research can be costly, at the moment I bare any and all costs myself. I would like to continue offering my services free of charge and ask for donations to assist with on-going costs. Any donation, no matter how small or large will help towards the costs of running this project. I appreciate any and all financial assistance offered and all funds will be used towards the projects on-going expenses.